What are the ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings?
The American Society of Agronomy, the Crop Science Society of America, and the Soil Science Society of America host a premier international scientific meeting that brings together leading and emerging scientific leaders from industry, government agencies, and academic institutions who are all working to advance agronomic, crop and soil sciences.
Where else can you reach thousands of scientists, researchers, educators and students who make and influence buying decisions-- all in one place! The International Annual Meeting is one of the few gatherings bringing together scientific leaders in a unique buying environment.
The Annual Meeting features thousands of technical presentations, along with a host of networking events and award ceremonies. The exhibition features the latest scientific equipment, supplies, services, and reference materials available.
2022 Exhibit Hall Floor Plan and Exhibitors
2021 Floor Plan & Exhibitor Listing
Eric Welsh
Program Manager-Marketing and Business Relations
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